I help women overcome obstacles to maintain healthy habits for life.

-Brenda Green, NBC-HWC, CPT

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Hi, I'm Brenda.

I am the owner of Fit4abetterme, LLC. I established this company in 2016 during my battle with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. With certifications as a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and Master Coach from Precision Nutrition, I've had the honor of helping numerous women lose weight, increase their energy, and improve their overall well-being regardless of age.

Beyond my expertise in health and wellness, I'm also a bikini competitor, happily married for 16 years, and a proud mother to a 12-year-old daughter who is also a cancer survivor.

My programs are perfect for women seeking one or more of the following:

  • Striving for lasting healthy habits
  • Seeking holistic wellness
  • Needing accountability
  • Wanting a supportive space during challenging times.


At B. Green Health & Wellness, we believe proper health and well-being extend beyond mere exercise and nutrition; our focus lies in nurturing overall wellness. According to the Webster dictionary, well-being is defined as the state of being happy, healthy, or prosperous. Happiness in life is influenced by various factors like physical health, emotions, finances, social connections, and having a sense of purpose. By tackling the most significant health challenges, you can also pave the way for improvements in other aspects of your life.

Picture this: you're behind the wheel of your life's journey, but navigating towards your wellness goals can sometimes feel like driving through unfamiliar territory. That's where I come in – as your health and wellness coach, I become your expert GPS, guiding you every step of the way. Together, we'll harness your inner strengths and leverage the support systems around you to improve your habits. No more aimless wandering or hitting dead ends – with tailored strategies and achievable goals, we'll pave a clear path toward your goals.



Take the driver's seat in our 12-week coaching program, where your focus stays strong, goals come to fruition, and lasting changes are made. With you at the wheel and me as your GPS, we'll fine-tune your route, overcome obstacles, and celebrate every milestone towards a healthier, vibrant you. Are you ready to take the wheel and ignite your drive for success together?

Free Consultation 


Ready to take charge of your wellness journey on your terms? Introducing our DIY Program: the 30-day Jumpstart to Living Healthy Challenge. Unlock a vibrant, balanced lifestyle in just 30 days! Bid farewell to exhausting health overhauls. Our challenge offers flexible 30-minute workouts, a recipe book of delicious meals, and weekly habit prompts for sustainable changes, all at your own pace.

Bonus: A cohort is starting April 29, 2024. Sign up Today.


Download your FREE 7-Step Guide to Eat Better.
